Make Your Day….Serve Beans Tonight
Category: Healthy Nutrition
As the holidays are in full swing for many, mealtimes can be especially stressful. Instead of opting for fast food options, consider the lowly bean. Not only do they help […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
As the holidays are in full swing for many, mealtimes can be especially stressful. Instead of opting for fast food options, consider the lowly bean. Not only do they help […]
Category: Exercise
This study made me realize what a difference it would make if I added more fruit and veggies into my morning protein shake. With Covid19 still going strong, I want […]
Category: Healthy Aging
According to Wikipedia collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular matrix found in the body’s various connective tissues. As the main component of connective tissue, it is the […]
Category: Exercise
Seeing this picture of these two adorable children completely passive but thoroughly engaged in media made me very sad. I want to see them running outside, exploring nature, flying kites, […]
Category: Exercise
My own journey in walking has been a real challenge for me since being diagnosed with PAD (peripheral arterial disease) ~ also called peripheral vascular disease ~ after dealing with […]
Category: Healthy Home
The purpose of World Oceans Day… inform people of the “impact of human actions on the ocean”, “develop a worldwide movement of citizens for the ocean”, and “mobilize and unite […]
Category: Healthy Aging
I was fortunate enough to attend a very thought-provoking lecture by Dan Buettner, author of the book, The Blue Zones Solution, one I highly recommend. What began as a National Geographic […]
Category: Plan "B"
I just read an interesting article regarding individuals leaving the workplace during these Covid19 times to seek a life more fulfilling and with more purpose. Having the time to reflect, […]
Category: Healthy Home
Several years ago I met a wonderful woman, Tera Thomas, who has devoted her life to provide a lifetime home for animals that have been rescued. Her non profit sanctuary […]
Category: Healthy Home
It seems like yesterday that I read about little Colette Chuda, age 5, who suddenly became stricken with Wilm’s Tumor, cancer that unfortunately took her life. The parents wanted to […]