The Nutrient of the Day-Vitamin D
Category: Healthy Nutrition
The other day while visiting a family member she told me that the doctor had told her that one of her tests he had taken showed that her vitamin D […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
The other day while visiting a family member she told me that the doctor had told her that one of her tests he had taken showed that her vitamin D […]
Category: Brain Health
DID YOU KNOW According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) comparing the nutrient profiles of the leading species of wild and cultivated fish and shellfish […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
While traveling last week my husband and I went into a neighborhood Mcdonald’s for a cup of coffee. We had been on the road for a while so decided […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
We all love our treats ~ and apparently McDonald’s Shamrock Shake is quite popular. The above description of actually what it contains is quite disturbing. I think I prefer the […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
As the holidays are in full swing for many, mealtimes can be especially stressful. Instead of opting for fast food options, consider the lowly bean. Not only do they help […]
Category: Exercise
This study made me realize what a difference it would make if I added more fruit and veggies into my morning protein shake. With Covid19 still going strong, I want […]
Category: Allergies
Does the picture above of a gorgeous spring blossoming tree make you feel joyous or dread? Your answer, of course, depends upon whether or not you are among the 45 […]
Category: friendly microflora
Although I experienced this some time ago, I wanted to repost this as many may benefit from learning more about what I went through. I had the symptoms of food […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
As I am sitting listening to The Piano Guys on my headphones and glancing now and then over to watch my husband of almost 60 years sound asleep with the […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
We all have suffered from heartburn once in a while….perhaps after a heavy or spicy meal. Many years ago when I was very very pregnant and had indulged in a […]