The Dangers of Sitting Too Much
Category: Exercise
Does this look familiar? We all know that families all over the world, because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, are literally on their computers non-stop with online jobs, schools functioning only […]
Category: Exercise
Does this look familiar? We all know that families all over the world, because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, are literally on their computers non-stop with online jobs, schools functioning only […]
Category: Plan "B"
Someone asked me the other day if I thought things would ever go back to being the same, the same of course being gathering together as families, working in normal […]
Category: Positivity
Since this blog is focused on healthy living, I felt obliged to include this as one of my posts since relaxing and spending some stress-free time is always a positive […]
Category: Earn Online
Labor Department figures show that in April, the vast majority of unemployed Americans ~ 18 million ~ said they were on temporary layoff or furlough. Although 40% have returned to […]
Category: Healthy Weight
During these last four months being asked to stay at home, have you put on extra weight? For myself, I would have to say yes. And then for those of […]
Category: Plan "B"
As I look back to last year this time, we had no idea what the future would bring. Had we known, would we have done anything differently? I like to […]
Category: Healthy Aging
We all want to live as long as we can and of course have our health span outlive our life span. (the length of time someone enjoys relatively good health […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
As I am sitting listening to The Piano Guys on my headphones and glancing now and then over to watch my husband of almost 60 years sound asleep with the […]
Category: Plan "B"
Are you one of the many teachers presently concerned about the reopening of schools this August? Crucial questions about how schools will stay clean in the midst of the Coronavirus […]
Category: Earn Online
Did you know that many of the nation’s 10.5 million workers older than 65 are much less likely to have jobs that can be done remotely? According to analysis from […]