A New Year….A New Beginning
Category: Exercise
So what is it that you want to change this year? Mine of course is moving my body! It is pretty obvious that regular exercise is a crucial part of […]
Celebrating Another “Little Mac” Hamburger Birthday!
Category: Healthy World
Well….it has been another year for “Little Mac” to hang around and another birthday for my grandson ~ 26 years to be exact! It seemed like just yesterday I […]
Taking Proactive Steps Towards Prevention and Wellness
Category: Positivity
Here are some proactive steps to do every day to build wellness and prevention into your lives: Do you know what the best happy pill in the world is? It’s […]
Are You a Super Ager?
Category: Brain Health
73 million boomers are hitting their 80’s! Perhaps that is why the emphasis on medical advances on how to expand the opportunity to live longer and longer lives and conquering […]
Some Steps to a Healthy Heart
Category: Healthy Heart
February is Heart Health Month so let’s focus on some healthy tips to help our hearts! These are just a few suggestions to keep your heart healthy. Have some of […]
Our Life As A Tree
Category: Healthy Nutrition
I have found a literal gold mine of health information from Frank Lipman, M.D., founder and director of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City. One of my […]
Navigating Inflammation: A Guide to Foods That Hurt or Harm
Category: Healthy Nutrition
There has been a dramatic increase in noncommunicable diseases within the last decade and that increase is still rising. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seven […]
Want to help your heart?
Category: Healthy Heart
Our heart is the hardest working muscle in our body and of course requires a significant amount of energy to function properly. That energy is made available with the help […]
Don’t Wait To Make Healthy Choices
Category: prevention
According to a recent study, having higher than normal cholesterol and blood pressure before age 40 can raise your risk of heart disease later in life. Oftentimes we are not […]