The Power of Real Food

Category: prevention

We all know vegetables are a food group we all should partake of daily. Some of us love that; others do not (my husband being one of those!) Thinking about […]

My 7 Steps of Prevention

Category: Exercise

Prevention is described as to keep from happening or to be in readiness for.  Here are my own personal  “7 steps” of prevention that I feel have made a difference […]

How Are You Aging?

Category: Healthy Aging

Many years ago, in the throes of motherhood, I never gave aging a second thought.  I was too busy changing diapers, making a million meals (felt that way!), and making […]

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

Category: Healthy Aging

A simple thing like losing your car at the nearby mall can make you feel like you are losing your mind.  Why can’t you remember such a simple thing as […]

The Sugar Blues

Category: Healthy Nutrition

With school now back in full swing, your child will again be exposed to all of those germs in a crowded classroom.  Why is it that some children seem to catch […]

Birthday Blessings

Category: Healthy Aging

Today is my husband’s 78th birthday.  He actually never expected to reach this milestone nor did he expect to feel as good as he does~ I am so happy that […]