My Virtual Grocery Store

Category: Earn Online

Over 25 years ago when I began ordering certain items online from a particular company, I never imagined that today I would be depending upon that source to help keep […]

Is Your Brain Shrinking?

Category: Healthy Aging

A simple thing like losing your car at the nearby mall can make you feel like you are losing your mind.  Why can’t you remember such a simple thing as […]

Birthday Blessings

Category: Healthy Aging

Today is my husband’s 78th birthday.  He actually never expected to reach this milestone nor did he expect to feel as good as he does~ I am so happy that […]

Are You Young At Heart?

Category: Healthy Aging

My first born turned 55 this past week. He has outlived my own father by 2 1/2 years. Thinking about that I see all of what my son is experiencing […]