Are You Ready For The Flu Season?

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Every day our bodies are attacked from stress, poor nutrition, pollution, and fatigue, all of which can constantly challenge our immune systems.  A strong immune system can help us fight […]

The Rewards of a Healthy Lifestyle

Category: Brain Health

As we age one of our biggest fears is the onset of dementia. Dementia is described as a group of symptoms affecting our thinking, memory and social interactions severely enough […]

Are You Ready For A Challenge?

Category: prevention

That question came up for my husband and me more than 25 years ago and we both agreed that we were ready for the challenge of adopting a daily nutrition […]

Why Fat is Back on MY Menu

Category: Healthy Nutrition

In 1977, when I was in my mid-thirties, a Senate committee led by George McGovern published its landmark “Dietary Goals for the United States,” urging Americans to eat less high-fat […]

The Power of Real Food

Category: prevention

We all know vegetables are a food group we all should partake of daily. Some of us love that; others do not (my husband being one of those!) Thinking about […]

My 7 Steps of Prevention

Category: Exercise

Prevention is described as to keep from happening or to be in readiness for.  Here are my own personal  “7 steps” of prevention that I feel have made a difference […]