Are You Ready For A Challenge?
That question came up for my husband and me more than 25 years ago and we both agreed that we were ready for the challenge of adopting a daily nutrition routine of replacing one meal with a Protein Shake and taking supplements containing clinically backed vitamins, minerals, and protein.
So what has been the result? At the time we both had health issues ~ I had severe joint pain and my husband suffered from allergies, continuous nasal polyps, and diabetes. Today, although I do take one medication for blood pressure, I am otherwise prescription-free. My joint pain is no longer with me. I include exercise as much as possible as I have been diagnosed with some blocked arteries. My energy is great, however. and am so happy that I can partake of my exercise each day. My husband occasionally coughs due to dust in the air, but otherwise is allergy and pain-free and has no more nasal polyps. His diabetes is under control; in fact, at his last doctor’s appointment, his A1C was at a normal range for his age ~ 7.4! This month we will be celebrating his 80th birthday and he feels great! We took the challenge and proved it worked.
Why am I discussing this? The company that began our challenge so many years ago has again launched a campaign called Prove It ~ Live It ~ Share It which includes a 7 Day Healthy Cleanse (which I did and lost weight + inches), a Life Shake and a daily strip of vitamins and minerals + a FREE membership (giving one a 15% discount on all products) and FREE shipping + the 7 Day Healthy Cleanse is FREE. The Prove It Challenge is a simple way for new people to join Shaklee and feel amazing in 30 days ~ guaranteed!
With the incidence of disease increasing ~ heart disease 9.3%, cancer 19.6%, and diabetes 34.5% ~ this Prove It Challenge has come at the right time. Did you know that in 2014 U.S. life expectancy ranked 43rd in the world although the U.S. spent the most ($3.0 trillion) on health care, exceeding the medium amount spent by Organizations for Economic Cooperation and Developing countries by 35%?
A Landmark Study, conducted in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley, was the first study of long term uses of multiple supplements. Shaklee supplement users had 11% lower cholesterol, 33% lower levels of triglycerides, and 36% lower levels of homocysteine, 59% lower levels of e-reactive protein ~ a key biomarker for long term biological stress, and lower incidence of diabetes. Shaklee’s purpose and cause are to create healthier lives.
Ray and I joined the movement to change the course of healthcare from sick care to well care many years ago. What about you? If you are interested in having more energy, jump start your weight loss, improve digestion, get better sleep and have increased focus and mental clarity ~ you are ready for the Prove It Challenge! Go to and I can help you to begin to have your health span match your life span.
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