Making Our Homes Safe

Category: Healthy Home

It seems like yesterday that I read about little Colette Chuda, age 5, who suddenly became stricken with Wilm’s Tumor, cancer that unfortunately took her life. The parents wanted to […]

Love That Chocolate!

Category: Healthy Heart

We must include chocolate in the heart month of February.  Heart health is always celebrated along with, of course, Valentine’s Day, so I wanted to put in a few plugs […]

Slow Aging at the Cellular Level

Category: Healthy Aging

We all want to feel younger and live longer. Researchers across the world have spent billions in research dollars to help us do just that.  Much of the research has […]

The Dangers of Sitting Too Much

Category: Exercise

Does this look familiar?  We all know that families all over the world, because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, are literally on their computers non-stop with online jobs, schools functioning only […]

Is Aging a Disease?

Category: Healthy Aging

We all want to live as long as we can and of course have our health span outlive our life span.  (the length of time someone enjoys relatively good health […]