Want to Preserve Your Brain Cells?

Category: Brain Health

With Alzheimer’s Disease affecting over 5 million Americans and newest estimates that 46 million more Americans will suffer from this disease, the slightest suggestion that there is something that can […]

What is your New Year’s Strategy?

Category: Exercise

As we all begin a new year, oftentimes we have a plan.  A plan for better health, or to incorporate more exercise in our everyday routine, or perhaps a plan […]

Taking Steps to Prevent Breast Cancer

Category: Exercise

We all know friends and family affected by breast cancer.  In fact, about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12.4%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her […]

Let’s Lose Those Holiday Pounds!

Category: Exercise

For many of us that eggnog at the neighbors, holiday cookies galore, potlucks, more food gifts, more parties, more everything have taken a toll.    Many of us choose weight […]

Fighting the Aging Process

Category: Exercise

For the past few years I have found myself following a pretty sedentary lifestyle and as a result I have been feeling very fatigued at the slightest bit of walking, […]

The New Disease…..Sitting

Category: Exercise

I sit a lot during the day and so does my husband.  In fact I find when we do get out and begin walking about it takes more effort – […]

The New Miracle Drug…..Exercise!

Category: Exercise

Growing up my family did not “do” exercise.  We never went on walks, mountain climbed or rode bikes (we lived on a steep hill and I was fearful to try). […]