Even 5 Minutes a Day?

Category: Exercise

Are you among the many of us who cannot wrap our minds around keeping that commitment to exercise so many minutes daily? I was very excited to learn from this […]

A New Year….A New Beginning

Category: Exercise

So what is it that you want to change this year?  Mine of course is moving my body!  It is pretty obvious that regular exercise is a crucial part of […]

A Season of Gratitude

Category: Healthy Nutrition

🍁 Thanksgiving: A Time for Health and Gratitude 🍂 As we gather around the table for Thanksgiving, let’s celebrate more than just the delicious food—we can honor our health and […]

A Great Boost for a Fall Meal

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Sweet potatoes are a nutrient-packed food that can offer numerous health benefits, especially for women over 50. They’re rich in fiber, which supports digestion and promotes gut health. Sweet potatoes […]

The Gift of Nature

Category: Healthy World

With the beautiful fall weather now arriving, what a wonderful time to spend outdoors.  I recently read in the Healthy Child Healthy World Blog an article that really focuses on this […]