Have you stopped and smelled the flowers lately?
Category: Healthy Aging
We are often looking for that magic bullet that will help us find the fountain of youth. Taking a moment to “stop and smell the flowers” can have positive effects […]
How is Your Life Span vs Your Health Span?
Category: Healthy Aging
Life span refers to the maximum amount of time that a species or individual can potentially live, while health span refers to the amount of time that an individual is […]
Slow Aging at the Cellular Level
Category: Healthy Aging
We all want to feel younger and live longer. Researchers across the world have spent billions in research dollars to help us do just that. Much of the research has […]
6 Steps To Stay Healthy This Season
Category: Healthy Aging
As 2019 begins to wind down, it is hard to believe another year has almost passed. They say time flies! And of course we are all another year older ~ […]