Our Life As A Tree

Category: Healthy Nutrition

I have found a literal gold mine of health information from Frank Lipman, M.D., founder and director of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City. One of my […]

My Mission Statement

Category: Healthy World

Since I have written this blog post these past years I have not posted my mission statement regarding the health benefits as well as the business benefits so here they […]

Finding Joy in the Little Things

Category: Holidays

The holiday season for a lot of folk begins with the much revered Thanksgiving holiday and lasts through New Year’s Day.  It is also the time of year fabled for being […]

its your health

Category: Healthy Nutrition

“In the coming decades, the most important determinants of health and longevity will be the personal choices made by each individual.” The Journal of the American Medical Association I just […]

The Rewards of a Healthy Lifestyle

Category: Brain Health

As we age one of our biggest fears is the onset of dementia. Dementia is described as a group of symptoms affecting our thinking, memory and social interactions severely enough […]

The Sugar Blues

Category: Healthy Nutrition

With school now back in full swing, your child will again be exposed to all of those germs in a crowded classroom.  Why is it that some children seem to catch […]

The New Miracle Drug…..Exercise!

Category: Exercise

Growing up my family did not “do” exercise.  We never went on walks, mountain climbed or rode bikes (we lived on a steep hill and I was fearful to try). […]