Even 5 Minutes a Day?
Category: Exercise
Category: Exercise
Category: Brain Health
June is Alzheimer’s and Brain awareness month. It’s a time to recognize to take charge of your brain health and join the fight to end Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. […]
Category: Healthy Aging
I just recently read that according to the latest science, sugar reacts with protein in our bodies, changing their structure to form toxic advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), which accelerate the […]
Category: Healthy Aging
Drink more water! In a recent study the National Institute of Health examined the serum sodium levels in 11,000 people over a period of 30 years, The serum sodium level […]
Category: Brain Health
After listening to the short Ted Talk below, I realized the biggest difference I could make in my life this year is by committing to at least 30 minutes of […]
Category: Brain Health
As we age one of our biggest fears is the onset of dementia. Dementia is described as a group of symptoms affecting our thinking, memory and social interactions severely enough […]
Category: Exercise
Each morning our alarm rings to let us know it is time to go to our daily water aerobics class. Once I am in the pool and working out, I […]
Category: Brain Health
Did you know that dementia is thought to become our healthcare crisis of the 21st century? That means that over two billion people will be at risk for this disease […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
With another Halloween just around the corner, I am always amazed at the rows and rows of candy piled up in the local grocery stores. I cannot imagine these bags […]