Want to Live Longer and Look Younger?
Turning back the clock to prevent aging is, of course, not a possibility; however, the Landmark Study, one of the largest studies of long-term users of multiple supplements, actually showed that people who used Shaklee supplements had much healthier biomarkers for heart, brain, and cognitive health compared to non-supplement or non-Shaklee product single-supplement users.
The results were stunning! Long-term dietary supplement use was consistently associated with more favorable blood levels of important nutrients and key heart health biomarkers. More importantly, long-term users of multiple dietary supplements generally reported lower prevalence of disease in self-reported health conditions including elevated blood pressure and diabetes, when compared to single multivitamin users and nonusers.
This first-of-its-kind study was conducted on a unique study population using new online data collection methods employed for the very first time in collaboration with renowned nutritional epidemiologist Dr. Gladys Block, from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.
Information regarding diet and supplement intakes, exercise and health status was obtained from online questionnaires and on-site physical examinations from 278 long-term Shaklee multiple dietary supplement consumers. Data for 602 matched nonusers and 176 single multivitamin supplement users were obtained from the Nationwide Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) the largest and longest-running national health and nutrition survey, sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics.
Dietary supplements consumed on a daily basis by more than 50% of the multiple supplement users included such products as multivitamin/mineral, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium with vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, glucosamine, an herbal immune supplement, a probiotic supplement (women) and a soy protein supplement (men). Check out the results here to see the differences.
This basically is the science behind Shaklee’s “Prove It Challenge” ~it is as simple as a strip and a shake each day ~ the “challenge” gets you into the habit of receiving the vitamins, minerals, and protein that your body needs on a daily basis with a simple nutrition routine that consists of replacing one meal with a plant-based protein shake and taking a supplement strip each day. It is designed to help you feel healthier, more energized, and more focused while you build a foundation for a healthier life. Included also with this package is a 7 Day Healthy Cleanse, a program which includes a simple supplement packet to take morning and evening along with lots of fresh fruit and veggies, and, of course, lots of fresh clean water. The Prove It Challenge comes with free Shaklee membership, free shipping plus the 7 Day Healthy Cleanse, included at no cost.
Interested in feeling amazing in just 30 days? Check out the Prove It Challenge here. My own experience with this program began 26 years ago when I was experiencing severe joint pain and lack of energy.
Beginning my own journey with this program of protein and supplementation turned my health around. I was very skeptical at first; however, I was offered a 100% money-back guarantee just as the Prove It Challenge offers. As a result, my health turned around and I have continued to use these products to this day. I have also shared them with many, the result being a Plan “B” source of income for Ray and me.
I feel I have turned back the clock regarding aging ~ I hope you will consider taking the challenge and joining me to feel younger longer!
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