Summertime ~ A Time To Reflect
Our extended family are all on our annual trek to Lake Lure (about 25 minutes from Ashville) ~ we all rent houses and spend a week at this incredibly beautiful place. It is a great place for families.
I did not want to miss posting on my blog and while I was relaxing I found an amazing list of 10 Thoughts on Whole Living done in September, 2005 in the Whole Living ~ Body and Soul Magazine ~ a magazine I heartily recommend, by the way. Enjoy!
10 Thoughts on Whole Living
- Imagination is a sense, not a gift. We all have the inner genius to create.
- Touch is a powerful healing tool; use it lovingly and often.
- Think of money as energy; use it to empower, not control, your life.
- A simple cup of tea can teach us the importance of ritual.
- Give deeply ~ whether it is noticed or not.
- Find something sacred in your day, every day.
- A daily walk can reengage your body and mind.
- Before summer’s end, connect your soul to the earth with a healthy, bountiful feast.
- Allow your body to unwind every evening.
- Passion does not get lost ~ just abandoned. It’s never too late to find it again.
The only addition I would add to this is:
Make an annual trek to Lake Lure with you and your loved ones!
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