Nourish Your Body With a Reset for Just 5 Days
What is a Reset?
- First of all, it is an opportunity to give your body a pause from refined foods, preservatives, empty calories ~ and gain more energy.
- “I can do anything in 5 days!” will be your mantra this week and you will focus on the things you can eat, not on the things you can not.
- You will be making 3 smoothies a day, have 2 snacks and eat a big salad for dinner. (If the salad fills you up at dinner, you may skip that third shake)
- It is essential to flush out toxins and move things along so you will be adding lemon to your water (lemon is a powerful detoxifier) and will be drinking at least 8 8-ounce glasses of filtered water every day (includes non-caffeinated herbal teas).
Why would you do this? Here are some signs that you may be suffering from a buildup of toxicity:
- Difficulty concentrating
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Low or inconsistent energy
- Migraines or headaches
- Caffeine addiction
- Anxiety
- Brain fog
- Sugar cravings
- Binge eating or drinking
- Water retention
Can you identify with any of these symptoms? If so, here are just a few of the rewards of a “5 Day Reset”
- Jumpstart weight loss (bathing suit weather is almost upon us!)
- Help overcome cravings for sugar, fats, alcohol, and caffeine
- Heightens sense of smell
- Balances and regulates hormones
- Realigns true appetite and satiety levels
- Boosts metabolism and enhances digestion
- Brings radiance to eyes and skin
Have I peaked your interest yet? This program not only has proven benefits but daily contact and support, something we all need. Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body ~ during this 5 days you will be experiencing just that with consistent support and encouragement, accountability and inspiration.
This 5 Day Reset happens each week within our wellness group. Want to jump in? Contact me (919-929-4534 or email me at for more information about this program. I look forward to bringing you on board so you too can experience the benefits of a 5 Day Reset! And while we are on the subject, check out my e-book here , entitled “The Seven Big Secrets of Losing Weight.”
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