Do You Need to Build up Your Immune System?
How much do healthy food choices really matter…..particularly in the midst of a global pandemic? Want to learn which foods help our immune systems and those which actually add to the risk factors associated with viral infections like COVID-19?
John Robbins, author of A Diet for A New America, will be interviewing 25 amazing speakers, all focusing on how to put the healing power of food to work for you. Topics range from
- Safety, health and the Global Pandemic
- The Brain and the new science of peak performance
- Cancer ~ how to promote health in every cell
- The science of weight and optimal healthy living
- How our food choices can change the world
- How to prevent and reverse anti-inflammatory conditions
- Hormones ~ bringing your body into balance
- Wholeness ~ building a healthy life, family and world.
If any of these interest you, register for this upcoming free summit here. It will be available from April 25th through May 3rd. This is all in the comfort of your own home (which we are all spending time in!)
A quick note about the immune system – read by past blog post here all about a supplement that will help protect you during this time. And please stay home, stay healthy, and wash your hands often!
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