Remembering Our Mothers
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan
Oh, my goodness….how this reminded me of my own mother! I have missed her so much these past years and so often feel her presence with me even though I cannot physically see her. These flowers are sent to her with love.
I love the memories I have of her; my only regret is that she passed away before I could share with her what I have learned through my own health issues how to use prevention, diet and quality supplements to create a vibrant and energetic life.
When my mother was in her 60’s she was already on several medications, all prescribed to her for various conditions. When she died at age 78 we discovered she was actually taking prescription drugs for parkinson’s, a disease she did not even have! We also learned that a lot of her blood problems were created because of the side effects and interactions of the prescription drugs she was taking.
My mother had a very strong constitution and I do believe she would still be with us today had I been able to share with her what I have learned about taking a more preventative course in lifestyle choices and habits. I know she is with me in spirit and I will always treasure the times we had together.
For all of you who are mothers I wish you the best and healthiest of Mother’s Day. And if your own mother is still with you, give her a hug from me!
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