Our Brain and a Walnut
Dr. Akilah El from the Celestial Healing and Wellness Center, describes the walnut as looking like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are similar to those of the neo-cortex.
I had read about this once before and, fascinated with this information, I have made sure to incorporate walnuts into our daily diet, including it on top of our breakfast cereal, on top of our salads, as an addition to an occasional bowl of yogurt, or simply grab a handful and eat them. Now I just learned of a new study which confirms my belief in walnuts even more so.
Published in the journal BMC Medicine, 7000 people, aged 55 to 90 were studied by researchers at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain, and found that, in general, nut eaters in the research had a 39% lesser risk of death and walnut eaters in particular a 45% reduced threat!
So what makes the walnut so powerfully nutritious? We know it has omega-3 fatty acids, which of course helps keep our brain functioning normally; in fact, depression and cognitive degeneration can be a result of low omega-3 intake. And walnuts are also known to raise melatonin levels for all of those suffering from sleeplessness. I have never thought of walnuts as a bedtime snack; however, if I had a bout of insomnia, that will definitely now be a consideration! It also includes such nutrients as manganese, copper, iron,, calcium, and phosphorus and of course we cannot forget the antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin E. Polyphenols, often now in the news as very important, also is prevalent in this little nut.
So let’s all cheer for walnuts! What about you? Does your family eat them? Here is a link to another great way to serve them to your family.
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