Are You an Older Worker Facing Risks at Work?
Did you know that many of the nation’s 10.5 million workers older than 65 are much less likely to have jobs that can be done remotely? According to analysis from the Economic Policy Institute almost 8 in 10 workers over 65 cannot telecommute, compared with about 6 in 10 between 35 to 44. And when those jobs do become available again, will employers use the pandemic as an excuse to lay off older employees? According to the Federal Reserve of St. Louis the unemployment rate for workers over 65 has more than tripled, jumping to 13.2% in May from 3.7% in March.
Many older workers are choosing this time to step back from the workforce simply because they are concerned about the health implications of the pandemic, according to vice president of financial resilience at AARP. Taking an early retirement of course can lead to a financial hit for many. And there are some who cannot consider such a move simply because their Social Security earnings are not enough to live on. Because I would have fallen into that category had I not become involved with a business that I can take anywhere, I want to share with you a possible option to consider.
Now more than ever, wellness matters. Income matters. Working from home matters. Does that resonate with you? The company I represent is now offering a Cash In Summer Incentive from 7/1 until 9/30/20 that can give you that extra income you may need. This is an opportunity for you to create a Plan B and give you the flexibility and ability to work from anywhere.
The first step for you is to go here and learn how creating wellness for yourself and others can create an income for you. Once you have completed this you will know if this is a good fit for you. If so, you are ready to “cash in” on the summer incentives that are being offered through September 30th by this wellness company.
If the pandemic has created job loss for you, I hope you will consider looking into the option of working from anywhere. I look forward to working with you.
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