A Teacher’s Dilemma
Are you one of the many teachers presently concerned about the reopening of schools this August? Crucial questions about how schools will stay clean in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, keep students distanced and prevent further spread of the virus have not been answered. And they feel that their own lives, and those of the family members they come home to, are at stake. Although many districts are spending millions this summer procuring masks, sanitizers, and additional custodial staff, many teachers say they have little faith that limited resources will stretch to fill the need.
On social media, teachers across the country promoted the hashtag #14daysnonewcases, with some pledging to refuse to enter classrooms until the coronavirus transmission rate in their counties falls, essentially, to zero. Many teachers, reluctant to return to work, according to polls, create a challenge for districts across the country. More than one-quarter of public schoolteachers are over the age of 50.
While some teachers might want to take early retirement because of this dilemma, we know that despite their significant influence, teachers are some of the most underpaid workers in our country. And this unfair arrangement makes it hard for them to save enough money for a decent retirement.
In an upcoming free webinar, (Wednesday, July 29th, 9:00 p.m.) Susan Boettcher, retired after 31 years of teaching, will describe how she has been able to earn income on the side because of her skills and qualities as a teacher that made her a perfect candidate. She will explain the problems teachers face when trying to earn income on the side, the opportunity perfectly suited for teachers wanting a side income, skills and qualities teachers have that make them perfect candidates, and much more. Here is the link to register for this free webinar. This webinar will also be archived so if you are unable to attend it will be available anytime after it is aired for your convenience. Just be sure and sign up so you will get the update. If you know anyone who might benefit from this webinar, please pass this information on as well. I hope to see you there and stay safe and healthy!

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